About Star Concreting
& Landscaping

Our company is much more than just a business. We combine our passion, skills, and determination to provide exceptional exterior solutions to homes located in the Southern and Eastern suburbs of Perth.

Our Journey

From Humble Beginnings

Starting as a one-man operation, our dedication to bringing client's visions to life has seen us grow and flourish over 5 years. Today, we proudly stand as a trio, each member exceptionally skilled, sharing a unified goal: to craft unparalleled outdoor masterpieces.

star concrete and landscaping

What Sets Us

In an industry rife with competition, our unique technique for exposed aggregate concrete projects has distinguished us. We pride ourselves on our method, which ensures consistency and quality by washing the concrete a day after pouring. This not only retains the surface's strength but also achieves the perfect aggregate exposure – a testament to our commitment to excellence.

Core Values

Client Centric Approach

Your dream, our mission. We cherish the relationships we build, ensuring a seamless blend of our expertise with your aspirations.

Sustainable Solutions

Caring for nature as we craft; our solutions are environmentally conscious, ensuring beauty today and a greener tomorrow.

Quality and Integrity

Every project is a canvas, and we paint with utmost precision, passion, and honesty.

Contact Us Today





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